Fellas, We Have to Do Better.


The death of Jassy Correia is so heartbreaking and an absolute tragedy! I can’t even begin to fathom what her family and friends are going through. Jassy’s daughter will have to now grow up in this world without a mother. That is unacceptable and sickening. Rest In Peace Jassy!!

We live in a world where a man can call a woman out her name, beat, rape, and even murder her... yet the blame is never on the man. The narrative ALWAYS places the accountability on the woman. “Well, if she should would have...” At what point do we hold men accountable????

This is a call of action to any man who follows me from any part of the world. Fellas, we have to do better. There’s no debate about it. We have been conditioned to be toxic. As men, we have a responsibility to use our privilege to dismantle toxic masculinity, stop misogyny, and build a world where women ARE safe. It shouldn’t take the birth of your daughter to start caring about and protecting women. You wouldn’t be on this planet if it wasn’t for a woman. We have to do better. The city has to do better. The world has to do better. #jassycorreia

- NM

Nigel Marcellus